MAIN CONTEST PRIZES ( 2nd Blogversary Treat)
First Prize:
* $100 cash via Paypal
* Blogging from Home Book
* I love Pilipinas Shirt Collectors Edition
* 1 Massage Oil
* Ad spaces which includes: 1 year running link ad, 15 125×125 banner ads for 1 month and 1 125×125 banner ad for 2 months*
* 15,000 EC Credits
Second Prize:
* $25 cash via Paypal
* 15GB Webhosting
* Blogging from Home Book
* I love Pilipinas Shirt Collectors Item
* 1 Massage Oil
* Ad spaces which includes: 1 year running link ad, 10 125×125 banner ads for 1 month and 1 125×125 banner ad for 2 months*
* 5,000 EC Credits
Consolation Prize:
* $10 cash via Paypal
* Blogging From Home Book
* 1 Massage Oil
* 5 125×125 ads for 1 month*
* 2,000 EC Credit
Top Commentator:
* $5 cash via Paypal
* Blogging from Home Book
SIDE CONTEST PRIZES (Earthlingorgeous Gorgeous Gifts)
Neutrogena Wave, Avon WindScape Perfume
For Her and For Him, Neutrogena Fine Fairness Compact, Movie Passes
from Eastwood City Malls, Caltex Gas Card, T-Shirts, Premiere Movie
Items, Eastwood City Gift Packs, Massage Oils, Planners, Blogging From
Home books, I Love Pinas Collectors Edition Shirt, Pawnaceal All
Natural Paw Balm, Haagendaz Gift Certificate, Starbucks Planner and
Here are the contest mechanics from her blog:
1-8 Are Required Steps
1. Subscribe to my feed via e-mail or reader. (2 pts) Please
confirm your subscription or your entry will be disqualified. (5pts)
Blog about this contest including all sponsors and their links (
just copy the codes provide below) then link to this particular post using this anchor text “ 2nd Blogversary Treat”. (5 pts)
3. Grab my contest button and place on your sidebar. Pls. make sure it links back to this post. (5pts)
4. On your contest entry post, which includes the sponsors links,
answer the following question (your post entry should answer these questions or if you feel comfortable to make another post for this you can do so) : (5pts)
- How did you learn about
- What is your favorite post here and why? (entry should be between January 2009 – December 2009) Link to said post.
- Include a screen capture/ print screen of the page you are reading
at or a photo of you reading or browsing on your computer screen (make sure my logo appears anywhere in the photo)
- What topics would you like to read at Earthlingorgeous more often?
Comment back on this post to inform me of your contest entry URL and the email address you used to subscribe. (2pts)
Become a Fan of on Facebook. Follow me on Twitter (click that follow button on the side bar) (5pts.)
7. Sign the
contestants spreadsheet. So I will know how to contact you in case you win. (
Spreadheet here)
Comment back if you completed all steps 1-8.
For Additional Entry Points and chances to win other prizes:
9. Comment at least once a day at any of my post especially the new
ones. Spammy and pointless comments are not accepted. A maximum of 5
comments a day is accepted. (1pt each comment)
10. Promote this contest on your other Social Networks (Facebook,
Friendster, Twitter, Plurk, Yahoo! Meme, Multiply, MySpace and Tumbler)
(1pt each)
11. Join my blogversary side contest mechanics to follow. (10pts)
12. Be active on Facebook Fanpage. (1 pts a day)
13. Post the photo you used on your contest entry on Facebook Fanpage. ( A photo of you reading or a screen capture of the page you are reading)
14. If you joined the side contest include the side contest mechanics
link your side contest entry in your main contest entry using this
anchor text : “ 2nd Blogversary Treat”. (2pts)
15. Stumble, Digg, or Delicious me (1 pt. each any one will do) (Stumble link)
16. Technorati Fave my blog.

(2 pts)
Winners will be selected through the help of a selected panel of
judges from the special sponsors below. Winners will be selected based
on the sincerity, creativity, and relevance of the post.